In addition to retreats at the Whidbey Akhaldans 4th Way School in Washington, we offer students the opportunity to participate in the Work through international retreats. In 2023, we will offer retreats in South Africa and Portugal. Read more about these offerings below.
Our international retreats feature a blend of experiences designed to facilitate deeper connection to ourselves, to others, and to nature. Together, we participate in morning sittings; Gurdjieff Movements and Exercises to develop capacities of awareness and attention; discussion, sharing, and exploration of Fourth Way themes. We consciously collaborate with one another during this time, including preparing and sharing meals together, working in Nature together, sharing, and reflecting on our experiences together.

our international retreats feature a blend of experiences designed to facilitate deeper connection to ourselves, to others, and to nature
Participants are offered the unique opportunity to experience continuous community living, and regular processing of the arising frictions and reactions that are an inevitable part of coexistence. Powerful challenges and subtle shocks will arise as we cultivate deeper self-understanding; these are delivered and processed in a safe and compassionate space. They prove remarkable and insightful fodder for our group discussions, and one-on-one coaching with Carol in the course of the retreat.
Upcoming Events:
Gurdjieff Movements in Estonia – 2024
- April 17th – One day “taster“ in Tallinn.
- April 19-25 – A 7 Day Residential Retreat in Estonia. Join an established group of seekers in a beautiful setting deep in the forests of Estonia for an incredible journey of self-discovery with space for integration, creativity, deepening and sharing. For more information, click here.
Please contact Carol with any non-logistical questions:
Gurdjieff Movements in Portugal – 2024
- March 22 and 23 – One day “tasters“ in Lisbon.
- March 28 to April 2 – A 6 Day “Silent” Residential Retreat in Portugal. This is an exceptional and unique opportunity to explore your innermost landscape in new and empowering ways while immersed in the seclusion and peaceful setting of Quinta da Enxara. This beautiful center is ocated 45min from Lisbon, in an area surrounded by green fields and spring bloom this time of the year. For more information, price, accommodation, transportation etc please click here.
Gurdjieff Movements and Aikido on Whidbey Island, Coupeville, Washington USA
- August 15-22, 2024 – With a full-day workshop on Saturday, August 17. During this work period, we aim to reveal how conflict resolution is engineered into the movements and practice of Aikido while we awaken to see the third force in every interaction, identity, creation or change as it is occurring. Each of the three forces is holy. To see third force, one must contain both opposing forces. Aikido physically embodies the flow of forces such that regular people can interact with the forces while learning the art with a master. As we practice the Gurdjieff Movements and Aikido, we will discuss the three forces, the Enneagram as the symbol of the cosmos and its laws, and Conscience. For a full description of the options for attending see:
Please contact Carol with any questions:
Gurdjieff Movements in Germany – 2024
- October 25-29 – A 6 Day non-Residential Retreat in Berlin. Explore the connections to yourself, other sincere seekers and the vibrant city of Berlin in this non-residential (you will need to secure accommodation) Gurdjieff Movements Intensive. For information, click here.
Please contact Carol with any non-logistical questions:
Want to host a retreat for Carol?
Now that travel is once again open, Carol is eager to share this Work literally anywhere in the world where there is a group of sincere seekers. Please contact her at: